- Allwisest Stagyrite. Joyce’s Quotations from Aristotle
- Antiquity Revisited
- Aquinas and Platonism
- Aquinas’ Neoplatonist Aesthetics
- Aristotele e la metafisica della metafora
- Aristóteles y la metafísica de la metáfora
- Aristotelian Interpretations (proof)
- Aristotle and the Metaphysics of Evolution
- Aristotle and the Metaphysics of Metaphor
- Aristotle’s Political Anthropology
- Beautiful Dangers of Being
- Beauty from Plato to Aquinas
- Being and Non-Being in Pseudo-Dionysius
- Ciphers of Transcendence (proof)
- Cognitive Joyce (epublication)
- Evil as Privation
- Evolutionary Ethics A Metaphysical Evaluation
- Human Nature and Destiny in Aristotle
- Immortality of the Soul in Plato and Aquinas
- Jacques Maritain and the Metaphysics Plato
- James Joyce and the Greeks (Corfu conference)
- James Joyce and the Greeks
- Joyce and Aristotle
- Joyce’s Early Aesthetic
- Joyce’s Thomist Masters
- JoyceSong Irish Songs of James Joyce
- Knowledge and Identity in Joyce
- Knowledge and Necessity in Aristotle
- L’anthropologie politique d’Aristote
- La Métaphysiqe de la Métaphore chez Aristote
- Mountains and Metaphysics
- O Aristotelês kai ê exelixê tôn eidôn
- Person and Spirit
- Persona e spirito
- Philosophy and Poetry in Aristotle
- Plato’s Approach to Being in the Theaetetus and Sophist
- Pseudo-Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas (1992)
- Pseudo-Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas (Preface 2005 and sample pages)
- The Gift of Being. Aquinas and Heidegger
- Thought and Language in Parmenides
- Triplex Via of Naming God
- Triplex Via
- Unity in Aquinas’ Commentary on the Liber de Causis
- Via causalitatis; via negationis; via eminentiae
- Virtus Essendi. Intensive Being in Ps-Dionysius and Aquinas
- Wonder and Universality in Aristotle